I tried running the following process.
Convert aseg.mgz back to native space using:
mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aseg_nat.mgz --regheader
Then I loaded the aseg_nat (which, to my understanding, should be in native
space) to matlab. Now mri.vol (using MRIread) ha
It seems to rotate the data, though. It does convert the data back to the
original dimensions (256X256X176), ut the dimensions are switched. When I save
the vol as nii and open in brainvoyager, the sagittal appears in coronal, etc.
I tried switching the 256 dimensions, but it remains rot
Dear FS experts,
I 've question concerning the automatic subcortical labelling provided by FS.
Is it possible to manually correct the output? That is, if hippocampal
segmentation results inaccurate, can I modified the aseg.mgz file ?
Thanks for your attention.
You can although we generally advise against it (it's best to try
automatic fixes first). What is not correct about the hippocampal
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010, antonio cerasa wrote:
> Dear FS experts,
> I 've question concerning the automatic subcortical labelling provided by FS.
sure, you can do this in either tkmedit or freeview
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010,
antonio cerasa wrote:
> Dear FS experts,
> I 've question concerning the automatic subcortical labelling provided by FS.
> Is it possible to manually correct the output? That is, if hippocampal
> segmentation results inac
How are you converting to nifti? You can do it with mri_label2vol, just
spec nii instead of mgz.
Aya Ben Yakov wrote:
> Hi
> I tried running the following process.
> Convert aseg.mgz back to native space using:
> mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aseg_nat.mgz
> --reghead
Can you send me you mkanalysis-sess command-line and the log file
created by selxavg3-sess? It should be using a registration file called
register.dof6.dat. You can check the registration with tkregister-sess.
tksconcat.nii is a temporary file created by tkmedit-sess and
tksurfer-sess; they are
As Allison says, you can use the tools listed below. Alternatively,
there is an easier way to do it in tksurfer.
1. Click on cluster you want to convert into a label.
2. Click on the "Custom Fill" button (little paint bucket pouring into a
blue blob). This will popup a window
3. Click on the "Up
If the labels and data are surface, you can use the --slabel feature.
Alice Albrecht wrote:
> Thanks Doug,
> I have successfully made the labels, but now I want to use those
> labels on other data as ROIs and that is where I am having trouble
> using the mri_segstats function. I d
Ed, can you send the recon-all.log file? The underlying code for
mris_volume and the program that creates the stats file is identical.
This other program (mri_segstats) prints out the values for the volumes
inside the lh.pial, etc, and this will be captured by the recon-all.log
Hello FreeSurfers,
I am trying to run autorecon-1 on data (nifti) downloaded from the NIH MRI
Study of Normal Brain Development (Pediatric MRI Study) Repository.
However, the command exited with errors mentioning that the source matrix
has a zero determinant.
I've read past e-mail conversations on
There is something wrong with the header of that nifti file. Can you
send the result of:
mri_info *deface_1433_V1_t1w_slice0.nii
Lisa F. Akiyama wrote:
> Hello FreeSurfers,
> I am trying to run autorecon-1 on data (nifti) downloaded from the NIH
> MRI Study of Normal Brain Development
Anyone interested should send email to Richard Baumgartner at
Original Message
Hi Doug,
we are urgently looking for a contractor position with us. The person
should have good programming skills and some understanding of
statistics. He/she will
Hi, there,
%% After running this command with FS v4.5 :
recon-all -base 005_S_0221BASE -tp 005_S_0221_45_20070321.105506_1 -tp
005_S_0221v2_45_20061006.104318_1 -all -force
%% I get the following error:
mri_concatenate_lta -invert1
005_S_0221_45_20070321.105506_1_to_005_S_0221BASE.lta identity
Haven't seen this before. Can you send the lta file (should be in
Probably the lta is not correct.
Also you can try to delete the base dir and rerun, maybe it was just a hiccup.
Does the norm.mgz look good in the base? If not registration did not work.
In that case download
Hi freesurfers,
I'm trying to generate a new label, from cutting an existed label.
The process was shown as attached, First I load a label on fsaverage,
lh.inflated, then cut the label along the yellow line and keep the needed
part by "cut plane". Now I hope to save the remained label shown in bl
Don't use cutting. Draw boundaries in tksurfer and use the custom fill tool
On Oct 28, 2010, at 10:04 PM, 李瑾 wrote:
> Hi freesurfers,
> I'm trying to generate a new label, from cutting an existed label.
> The process was shown as attached, First I load a label on fsaverage,
> l
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