[Freesurfer] FDR correction in Qdec

2010-07-09 Thread Xiaojing Long
Hi, all, I have some questions about performing the FDR correction in Qdec. I ran recon-all on all my subjects, then ran the surface group analysis following the Qdec tutorial. There are 3 factors in the qdec.table.dat file: age, gender and diagnosis. In the Design tab of Qdec, I selected the dis

[Freesurfer] "Configure Overlay Display" tksurfer window...

2010-07-09 Thread Gonzalo Rojas Costa
Hi: How can I display an overlay in such a manner that only values between "min" and "max" are displayed in a color palette, and values less than "min" and values greater than "max" are displayed in gray ?... Sincerely, Gonzalo Rojas Costa ___ F

Re: [Freesurfer] "Configure Overlay Display" tksurfer window...

2010-07-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
When you say "in gray" do you mean transparent (so you can see the gray scale curvature pattern) or do you mean you want the activation to be opaque and gray instead of colored? Gonzalo Rojas Costa wrote: > Hi: > > How can I display an overlay in such a manner that only values between "min" >

Re: [Freesurfer] FDR correction in Qdec

2010-07-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
That is strange. Can you change the FDR to something ridiculous like .5 and see if that changes things? Xiaojing Long wrote: > Hi, all, > > I have some questions about performing the FDR correction in Qdec. > > I ran recon-all on all my subjects, then ran the surface group > analysis followi

Re: [Freesurfer] "Configure Overlay Display" tksurfer window...

2010-07-09 Thread Gonzalo Rojas
Hi: I mean transparent... Sincerely, Gonzalo Rojas Costa Laboratory for Advanced Medical Image Processing Department of Radiology Las Condes Clinic Lo Fontecilla 441, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 56-2-2105170 Cel: 56-9-97771785 www.clc.cl El 09-07-2010 14:25, Douglas N Greve escribi

Re: [Freesurfer] "Configure Overlay Display" tksurfer window...

2010-07-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
There is no way to set that up in tksurfer (everything above max is going to be yellow or cyan). But you can threshold the input map such that values above max are set to 0, then they will show up transparent. Use mri_binarize to create a mask with voxels between min and max set to 1. Then use

[Freesurfer] data analysis/reduction after autorecon3

2010-07-09 Thread Liukarl
Hello, Freesurfers After autorecon3, there are cortical measures for the over 30 predefined regions. And for each regions, there are area, volume, and thickness 3 different measures, which means there are approximately 200 measure for both hemispheres. As a preliminary analysis without spe

Re: [Freesurfer] data analysis/reduction after autorecon3

2010-07-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
Many will perform a map-based analysis on the cortical thickness or volume or area, then use a cluster-wise correction for multiple comparisons. If you want to go the ROI route, then you can test each ROI separately (ie, compute a p-value for the ROI0, then bonferoni correct the p-values for the nu

Re: [Freesurfer] FDR correction in Qdec

2010-07-09 Thread Xiaojing Long
I tried that. Still no change. And I tried running Qdec on all of my datasets. The problem occurs on all of them. Xiaojing 2010/7/9 Douglas N Greve > That is strange. Can you change the FDR to something ridiculous like .5 and > see if that changes things? > > Xiaojing Long wrote: > >> Hi

[Freesurfer] Left Right reversal

2010-07-09 Thread Yumi Maeda
Hi, I am trying to do left right reversal of surface with the instruction of this link below. http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/LeftRightReversal?highlight=(reversal)|(Left)|(right) After recon-all -subcortseg -s LRflipped-subject, I tried to see the result with this command , 'tksurfer LR

[Freesurfer] left right reversal

2010-07-09 Thread YUMI MAEDA
Hi, I am trying to do left right reversal of surface by following this link, http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/LeftRightReversal?highlight=(reversal)|(Left)|(right) after recon-all -subcortseg -s LRflipped-subject", I tried to check the result with tksurfer with 'tksurfer LRflipped-subject