Re: [Freesurfer] Changing roi label display color in tkmedit

2010-05-20 Thread Victoria Williams
Hi Lena, Have you tried loading your labels as a segmentation volume? As long as each of your labels has a different voxel value, you can load that label volume as a segmentation, and then make a corresponding color look up table making each label whatever color you want (as long as you can fi

[Freesurfer] Reporting coordinates from Group analysis

2010-05-20 Thread Rajagopalan, Venkateswaran
Dear All, I checked the archives but couldn't get a complete answer. I performed group analysis of cortical thickness using mri_glmfit. I am wondering how to report the coordinates of regions where cortical thickness is significantly different, i used FDR for multiple comparisons in tksurfer.

Re: [Freesurfer] Reporting coordinates from Group analysis

2010-05-20 Thread Douglas N Greve
If you click on a point, it should tell you in the control window what the talairach coordinates are doug Rajagopalan, Venkateswaran wrote: > > Dear All, > > I checked the archives but couldn't get a complete answer. I performed > group analysis of cortical thickness using mri_glmfit. I am wond

Re: [Freesurfer] Reporting coordinates from Group analysis

2010-05-20 Thread Rajagopalan, Venkateswaran
Thanks Doug, but for instance in my result the inferiorparietal region is significantly different in some areas but not in the entire region, so in this case it will difficult because i have to move the cursor to regions where it is significant and other vertex where it is not significant this

[Freesurfer] Creating annotation file for lobar regions...

2010-05-20 Thread Rudolph Pienaar
Hi all -- Is there a simple way to create an annotation for frontal/temporal/occipital/parietal lobes based off the ?h.aparc.annot files in a FS 'label' dir? Ideally speaking, I'd like to have a ?h.lobar.annot with corresponding lobar.annot.ctab. Apologies if this question has come up before..

Re: [Freesurfer] how to QC hippocampal measurement

2010-05-20 Thread Guang Zeng
Hello, Bruce, Thanks a lot! Currently, I am using Slicer 2.6. Is the QA tool in VTKFreeSurfer Module the tool you mean to make flythrough movies? Thanks! Guang > Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 14:20:42 -0500 > From: > To: > CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.ha

Re: [Freesurfer] how to QC hippocampal measurement

2010-05-20 Thread Bruce Fischl
I don't know - you should ask the slicer folks. Bruce On Thu, 20 May 2010, Guang Zeng wrote: > > Hello, Bruce, > > Thanks a lot! Currently, I am using Slicer 2.6. > Is the QA tool in VTKFreeSurfer Module the tool you mean to make flythrough > movies? > > Thanks! > Guang > >> Date: Thu, 4 Feb 201

[Freesurfer] transform ribbon to FSL-diffusion space

2010-05-20 Thread Theodor R?ber
Dear Freesurfers, I am trying to transform a Freesurfer-generated white matter mask (ribbon) to FSL diffusion space in order to use it as a stop-mask in fibertracking. I have tried to coregister and reslice it to the normalized dti_FA with SPM and I also tried to transform it with FSL-FLIRT and FS

Re: [Freesurfer] transform ribbon to FSL-diffusion space

2010-05-20 Thread Douglas N Greve
Try using bbregister to register the freesurfer anatomical to the low b in the native diffusion space, then use mri_vol2vol or mri_label2vol to map the ribbon to the native diffusion space. doug Theodor R?ber wrote: > Dear Freesurfers, > > I am trying to transform a Freesurfer-generated white >