Re: [Freesurfer] WM surface errors

2009-10-05 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Alex, it's hard to tell from just the one slice. Is there a topological defect there? You can look at the orig.nofix/inflated.nofix to see. If not, you could try changing the intensity thresholds in mris_make_surfaces with the export opts (and look in the recon-all to see what they are set to

Re: [Freesurfer] Error message running recon-all-base

2009-10-05 Thread Weisinger, Brian (NIH/OD) [E]
When you said to process it with the -notal-check to skip the talairach checkam I supposed to add that in the first recon all or add it to the recon all base command? On 10/2/09 1:15 PM, "Martin Reuter" wrote: Looks like the talairach check failed. Check the talairach.xfm (as you would do

Re: [Freesurfer] Error message running recon-all-base

2009-10-05 Thread Martin Reuter
Only to the runs, where the check fails (if the transform looks OK). So in your case the -base run. Good luck, Martin On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 10:01 -0400, Weisinger, Brian (NIH/OD) [E] wrote: > When you said to process it with the -notal-check to skip the talairach > checkam I supposed to add

Re: [Freesurfer] images with poor resolution

2009-10-05 Thread Dana W. Moore
Hi Nick, Below is Bruce's response to a problem I'm having with the gray/white segmentation. (Pasted below, you can see the brainmask.mgz volume and surfaces--the entire brain is labeled as white matter). I could use some guidance in carrying out his advice. He says to adjust the intensity

Re: [Freesurfer] optseq2 help: DPSD and jitter

2009-10-05 Thread Asaf Kaftory
Hey Doug - first of all, thanks for the reply. second - 1. I'm afraid i didn't get the explanation. what is the FIR, and what does it mean "two samples in the FIR" ? 2. ok, thanks. isn't it strange though? how do researches jitter the ISI than? manually? 3. thanks.

[Freesurfer] volume difference in aparc.stats and wmparc.stats

2009-10-05 Thread Guang Zeng
Hi, there, I am looking at the volume size of front pole . In lh.aparc.stats, this volume is 590, while in wmparc.stats (it is called ctx-lh-frontalpole), this value is 610, which one is accurate? Thanks a lot! BTW: In FreeSurfer Tutorial : Process Flow (

Re: [Freesurfer] volume difference in aparc.stats and wmparc.stats

2009-10-05 Thread Bruce Fischl
the aparc On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Guang Zeng wrote: > > Hi, there, > > I am looking at the volume size of front pole . > In lh.aparc.stats, this volume is 590, > while in wmparc.stats (it is called ctx-lh-frontalpole), this value is 610, > which one is accurate? > > Thanks a lot! > > BTW: > > In FreeS

Re: [Freesurfer] images with poor resolution

2009-10-05 Thread Nick Schmansky
Dana, First I would run: recon-all -s subid -clean to remove any prior control points and edits. Then I would open nu.mgz: tkmedit subjid nu.mgz and *sparingly* put control points well into white matter areas on a few different slices. you only need a half dozen or so. to add control points

Re: [Freesurfer] volume difference in aparc.stats and wmparc.stats

2009-10-05 Thread Nick Schmansky
Guang, You are correct in noticing that the segstats stage appears to run during -autorecon3. It was moved to run during that stage, but the flags to enable it exist in -autorecon2, so that needs to be updated for the next freesurfer release. Nick On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 17:47 -0500, Guang Zeng

[Freesurfer] freeview and annotation file

2009-10-05 Thread tulu
Dear freesurfer experts,I would like to use freeview to check the pial surface and label with annotation file. how to do it ?thanks your helpbestJL--- 本郵件來自HiNet WebMail ---___ Freesurfer mailing list https://mail.nmr.mgh.ha

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview and annotation file

2009-10-05 Thread Ruopeng Wang
Hi, Annotation option is not available in the stable release version. If you are able to run the development version, you can load annotation file from the Surface control panel on the left. Or you can load it from the command-line like: freeview -f surface_filename:annot=annotation_filename Bes

[Freesurfer] mri_nu_correct.mni intensity correction problem

2009-10-05 Thread Jeff Sadino
Hello, I am running FS 3 and am having problems with auto-recon1, in particular the mri_nu_correct.mni step. My orig volume has intensities around 150-250, but my nu.mgz image has intensities all below 20. I am having errors further down the line, but I think they are all due to this step. C

[Freesurfer] [FreeSurfer] Is source code available?

2009-10-05 Thread Youngsang Cho
Dear all, It seems that freesurfer's source code is open. But I couldn't find any link for source code or cvs id and password. Could anybody tell me whether the source code is available to external people for academic purpose? If it's available, where can I download the source code? Please tell