Re: [Freesurfer] Temporal lobe surface problem

2009-09-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Chris, check the intensity of the temporal lobe white matter that is missing. If it is significantly lower than 110, try adding some control points in the white matter (making sure it is not partial volumed - it must be completely wm), then run autorecon2-cp and autorecon3. You are probably

Re: [Freesurfer] The error about recon-all -s subjid -autorecon1

2009-09-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi QQ, do you have enough free disk space? Can you try running: zcat /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/am03/mri/T1.mgz > /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/am03/mri/T1.mgh and see if it works? Bruce and see if it On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, QQ Liu wrote: > Hi all, > >In order to find the debug of th

Re: [Freesurfer] Big lesion

2009-09-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Alia, that's a tough one as it will be difficult to recover the true geometry/topology. What do you think it should do in this case? The images you sent seemed like reasonable representations of the anatomy to me. I guess you could try filling in the hole in the wm.mgz. Definitely do *not*

Re: [Freesurfer] Temporal lobe surface problem

2009-09-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
You can use defect-seg (see the --help) to help explore defects. doug Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Chris, > > check the intensity of the temporal lobe white matter that is missing. If > it is significantly lower than 110, try adding some control points in the > white matter (making sure it is not p

Re: [Freesurfer] Converting single voxel to surface space

2009-09-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Ben, I would be pretty surprised if you can get a reasonable surface from the MNI152. I would have thought it was too blurry to distinguish many of the gyri from one another. That said, if you do have one, you can make labels in the volume and sample them onto the surface with tksurfer by j

Re: [Freesurfer] Converting single voxel to surface space

2009-09-09 Thread Donna Dierker
Ben might be using Oliver Lyttelton's mean MNI152 surface (i.e., the average of all 152 subjects' surfaces on the MNI mesh, as registered using CIVET). On 09/09/2009 11:31 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Ben, > > I would be pretty surprised if you can get a reasonable surface from the > MNI152. I

[Freesurfer] Averaging Labels

2009-09-09 Thread David Brang
Hi, I’m trying to average 2 labels together, but haven’t seen any script out there that does this. Essentially we used ROI localizer tasks to create individual labels for each of our subjects. For visualization purposes, we created an average brain, and used mri_label2label to map each individual

[Freesurfer] Autoredraw in TKSurfer

2009-09-09 Thread Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
Some people asked me how to enable Auto Redraw in TKSurfer in the virtual machine distribution of FreeSurfer. A video tutorial was placed in YouTube: --- Pedro Paulo de M. Oliveira Junior Diretor de

Re: [Freesurfer] Averaging Labels

2009-09-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
mris_spherical_average will do it for you. cheers, Bruce On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, David Brang wrote: > Hi, > I?m trying to average 2 labels together, but haven?t seen any script out > there that does this. > > Essentially we used ROI localizer tasks to create individual labels for each > of our subje

[Freesurfer] Freesurfer installation on Ubuntu desktop or server?

2009-09-09 Thread Burcu Ayşen Ürgen
Hi all, If one installs Freesurfer on Ubuntu, should he/she prefer the desktop version of Ubuntu or server edition? Does it matter? Thank you, Burcu Aysen Urgen. ___ Freesurfer mailing list https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.ed

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer installation on Ubuntu desktop or server?

2009-09-09 Thread Rudolph Pienaar
Burcu Ays,en Ürgen wrote: > Hi all, > > If one installs Freesurfer on Ubuntu, should he/she prefer the desktop > version of Ubuntu or server edition? Does it matter? > From FreeSurfer's perspective, it doesn't matter all that much if at all -- depends more on what other tasks you want the machin

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer installation on Ubuntu desktop or server?

2009-09-09 Thread Krish Subramaniam
Yes, everything Rudolph said. Also, the FreeSurfer we package for Ubuntu is actually a CentOS build because Ubuntu is a flavor of linux like CentOS and since FreeSurfer package is self-contained everything should work once you un-tar-gz. The only things we don't bundle are X server and OpenGL

Re: [Freesurfer] Intersection of labels with other labels or volumes

2009-09-09 Thread James Porter
Hi Nick- I've shortened the run time of the script (attached) by comparing the size of the two labels and restricting the search to only those vertices that exist in the smaller label. My logic is that there can't possibly be any more matching vertices than the size of the smaller label, so