[Freesurfer] Voxel size smaller than 1x1x1mm?

2009-03-06 Thread Falk Lüsebrink
Hi Freesurfers, I'm currently doing my bachelors thesis in medical engineering and I'm trying to measure the cortical thickness of scans acquired by a 7T MRT. A colleague of mine has used Freesurfer (v4.0.5) before and mentioned that high resolution scans with a voxel size smaller than 1x1x1mm (

[Freesurfer] FMRI group analysis in common surface space

2009-03-06 Thread Georg Homola
Hi all, We want to perform a FMRI group analysis in common surface space. For that purpose, can we (1) run feat2surf on both cope and varcopes on first-level feat analysis (2) run higher-level feat on the output (using the transformed copes/varcopes as the inputs)? Thanks, Georg _

[Freesurfer] LGI

2009-03-06 Thread Gabriel Go.Es.
Hello i'm trying to make a local Gyrification Index (lGI), i have image Processing Toolbox instaled... and i always recibe the next error message: [r...@localhost ~]$ recon-all -s s001 -localGI Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.2.0 Current Stamp: freesurfer-Li

Re: [Freesurfer] LGI

2009-03-06 Thread raka maitra
Hi I had a similar problem For some strange reason freesurfer cant access the Perl library ! and one has to set path for matlab I work on mac and So this is what I did source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh setenv DIR $MNI_DIR setenv PERL5LIB $DIR setenv MATLABPATHLGI /Applications/MATLABv

Re: [Freesurfer] Voxel size smaller than 1x1x1mm?

2009-03-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Falk, yes, you can use the "conform to min" (-cm I think) switch in recon-all. Can you cover the whole brain at .7mm iso? That's hard. And 7T is hard for whole brain morphometry because of dielectric effects. Good luck. Bruce On Fri, 6 Mar 2009, Falk Lüsebrink wrote: Hi Freesurfers, I

[Freesurfer] tkmedit

2009-03-06 Thread Siddharth Srivastava
Hi everyone, Is it possible to selectively display a few segmentation labels over an anatomical, using tkmedit? say i would just like to see label 4 (browsing by label numbers, and not names)? I am sure there is a documentation on how to do this somewhere... tha

[Freesurfer] mris_anatomical_stats with an average subject

2009-03-06 Thread Rafa x
Dear FS team I would like to execute the command mris_anatomical_stats with one average subject, the problem is that the file wm.mgz is required. Is there some way to obtain the stats of one average subject?(I need the area of all the parcellations) Thank you in advance Rafa. _

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_anatomical_stats with an average subject

2009-03-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Rafa if you only care about the surface area of the parcellations then copying any subject's wm.mgz in to your average subject's mri dir would be fine since the surface area doesn't depend on the wm.mgz. cheers, Bruce On Fri, 6 Mar 2009, Rafa x wrote: Dear FS team I would like to execut

Re: [Freesurfer] Editing results from recon-all -long.

2009-03-06 Thread Nick Schmansky
Zheng The tp1 and tp2 brainmask.mgz files will not be aligned as viewed in tkmedit unless you load the tp2_to_tp1.lta tranform found in subject tp2's mri/tranform directory. Or, in tp'2 mri dir, you can load the orig.mgz and another file called something like orig_tp1_to_tp2.long.tp1.mgz and thos