Hi Lars,
you want to do "custom fill" then click the "over statistical threshold "
option. Can't remember the exact name...
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Lars M. Rimol wrote:
I've done a glm model fit comparing cortical thickness between two
groups, and have certain areas ("blobs"
what are the voxel sizes?
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Jared Price wrote:
Dear gurus,
when running mri_convert -rt nearest -ot nii -rl 001.mgz seg_edited.mgz
seg_edited_axial.nii to reslice from coronal to axial space we are seeing
some significant volume changes in the segmentation. Anyone know why
For Suse Enterprise ( SLED ) 10.2, the following solution seems to work (
for Narly as well ):
The library libexpat.so.0 Freesurfer is looking for is actually named
- First check whether you have a libexpat.so.1
ls /usr/lib64/libexpat.so.1
- If so, create a symbolic link with
I want to generate screenshots of group activation in an anatomical ROI on
the left and right hemisphere for two different groups of subjects at a
particular contrast and time point of our analysis.
We want to use race as a covariate (categorical, with whites and blacks
being the two racia
as a categorical covariate?
Thank you,
Dave Brohawn
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear All,
I am in phase of learning freesurfer. I added control points using tkmedit
and ran recon-all -autorecon2-cp and i get the following error.
Total Number of Modified Voxels = 854 (out of 716825: 0.119136)
sh: wm.mgz: Permission denied
Broken pipe
Linux eesmith 2.6.9-67.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri
To answer your question more completely, we're trying to compare two
files with the following headers:
Freesurfer segmentation:
height = 256
width = 256
depth = 256
nframe = 1
imnr0 = 1
imnr1 = 256
xnum = 256
ynum = 256
fov = 256.00
thick = 1.00
xstart = -128.00
xend = 128.0
I am using Freesurfer and I am having difficulties in coregistration of a DTI
volume to the anatomy image. I have been running
recon-all -i -i -s 2005_anatomy
followed by
recon-all -autorecon1 -s 2005_anatomy
and then
dt_recon --i dti/subj_539_dti.nii --b dti/aging_hds_2005_dti.bval
Dear FS experts
I divided the fsaverage parcellations (aparc.a2005s) with an area threshold
of 100mm2. Now I would like to get a stats file, using the following
mris_anatomical_stats -a aparc.a2005s_100.annot -t ?h.thickness -b -f
001/stats/?h.aparc.a2005s_100.stats 001 ?h
I am g
Dear FS Team,
I used mris_divide_parcellation to create a new parcelation with smaller
regions, but all these regions seem to have a different size. I am interested
to get smaller cortical parcellated regions, but all of them with the same
area. How can I get it? Could I decide the area size?
The answer is in the help, I think: dt_recon --help
Kjell Inge wrote:
I am using Freesurfer and I am having difficulties in coregistration
of a DTI volume to the anatomy image. I have been running
recon-all -i -i -s 2005_anatomy
followed by
recon-all -autorecon1 -s 2005_anatomy
I'm surprised that the divisions are not roughly equal in area. How much
different are they? You can also spec an area threshold instead of a
number of subdivisions, but that just keeps dividing until all
subdivisions are below that area. I don't think we have anything that
will divide them int
Do you have read and write permissions to that file?
Muhammad Ayaz wrote:
Dear All,
I am in phase of learning freesurfer. I added control points using tkmedit
and ran recon-all -autorecon2-cp and i get the following error.
Total Number of Modified Voxels = 854 (out of 716825: 0.119136)
sh: w
we are making changes in the aseg.mgz and we need to know how to erase
a wrong pixels. we read in the tutorial that the button three erases,
but it doesn't work.how can we do?
Freesurfer mailing list
are you replaceing the "?" with the actual hemisphere designation?
Diana Wotruba wrote:
Dear FS experts
I divided the fsaverage parcellations (aparc.a2005s) with an area
threshold of 100mm2. Now I would like to get a stats file, using the
following command:
mris_anatomical_stats -a aparc.a
Just create a race.levels file with "Black" and "White", then include
"race" as a column in your qdec.table.dat. See
for more details.
Dave Brohawn wrote:
I want to generate screenshots of group activation in
Yes i do have read and write permissios to these data set.
I just ran another subject from the data set and it ended at different
stage but again says permission denied.
#...@# Fix Topology lh Thu Feb 19 11:14:14 EST 2009
cp ../surf/lh.orig.nofix ../surf/lh.orig
cp ../surf/lh.inflated.nofix
can you do that copy by hand?
Muhammad Ayaz wrote:
Yes i do have read and write permissios to these data set.
I just ran another subject from the data set and it ended at different
stage but again says permission denied.
#...@# Fix Topology lh Thu Feb 19 11:14:14 EST 2009
cp ../surf/lh.orig.
Make sure you are selecting the 'Edit segmentation tool' on the tkmedit
tools window. You can also press the 'g' key to select the tool.
On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, Silvia biopanda wrote:
we are making changes in the aseg.mgz and we need to know how to erase
a wrong pixels. we read in
and how do you measure volume? Certainly the voxel count is bound to
change since your voxel size is changing. The volume will certainly
change as well.
On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, Jeff Dewey wrote:
To answer your question more completely, we're trying to compare two files
with the fol
Hi Jose,
I have another tool that we haven't released that will do this more
closely. You can't do that with mris_divide_parcellation since the units
don't start with equal area (or multiples thereof)
On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, Jose
Luis Cantero Lorente wrote:
Dear FS Team,
I use
I am trying to overlay surface information acquired with freesurfer
on to the original MRI volume. I tried reading lh.orig with
[vertices,faces] = freesurfer_read_surf('surf/lh.orig') and then
transforming the vertices with the matrix:
vertices_affine = [vertices' ; ones(1,size(vertices
Hi all,
I'm using Freesurfer to calculate cortical atrophy in patients with multiple
sclerosis. These patients usually have also cortical lesions that I can see
with DIR sequences.
My question is: can I piece together the 2 sequences to see cortical lesions
with FS? for FS we use a 3D fast-fi
what are you trying to do? If you're trying to bring the surface coords
into talairach (mni305) space, then you can use mri_surf2surf with the
--sval-xyz-tal orig --taval-xyz options.
Lloyd Elliott wrote:
I am trying to overlay surface information acquired with freesurfer
on to the original
Hi Lloyd,
I dealt with the same problem at one time. My input volume was a minc
volume but I imagine the procedure should work for your input as well.
for native.mnc, which was your input into freesurfer, do this command:
mri_info --cras native.mnc
my output was
-2.35588 52.7907 24.8145
Then you
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