[Freesurfer] define ROI

2008-12-30 Thread GaBbo Go. Es.
does anyone know the command line to convert an *.mhg or *.img to a label on freesurfer???'Gabriel. _ Comparte hasta 500 fotos en un solo email con Windows Live http://download.live.com/___

[Freesurfer] PET

2008-12-30 Thread GaBbo Go. Es.
I have a program that gave a PET mask (*.img) with a specific region of activation, I want to know wich are the vertex of that region, to take them to FS and to create a label for making the thickness of that specific zone of mayor metabolic consumeGabriel __

[Freesurfer] specific parcellation

2008-12-30 Thread GaBbo Go. Es.
a program gave me a *.mgh that contains specific areas of significance of cortical thickness between groups. those areas are different of the parcellation generated by FreeSurfer, and, i want to take that area from the *.mgh and to create a specific label on FreeSurfer that only show that areas

[Freesurfer] QDEC DOSS description bug

2008-12-30 Thread Michael Harms
Hello, I noticed that when you run a QDEC analysis (QDEC 1.1 in FS 4.1.0) using a "DOSS" model with 1 class (e.g., group) and 1 continuous variable (e.g., age), you still get a putative map for "Does the thickness-age correlation differ between GrpA and GrpB?" (i.e., lh-Diff-GrpA-GrpB-Cor- thickne

RE: [Freesurfer] reg-feat2anat failed

2008-12-30 Thread Wang, Xin
hello, Freesurfer group, I try to use registration.mat files of FSL/FEAT routines, instead of anat2example_func.bat, to register the orig.mgz and example_func.nii.gz with the thinking that using initial_highres in FEAT may improve the reg. However, tkregister2 catastrophically failed to registe