[Freesurfer] Talairach coordinates

2008-06-29 Thread Feng-Xian Yan
Hi, I have some problems about surface coordinates. After running the qdec and analyzed my data(cortical thickness), I display a plot of the data for a particular vertex by left-clicking on a point while holding down the Ctrl key. It shows a plot and its plot window shows this vertex's *surface coo

[Freesurfer] About the area of the vertices in the surfaces

2008-06-29 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have some questions: I would like to know how freesurfer computes the vertex’s wise areas? eg. thouse in lh.area. It should be expected that the sum of the areas of all the vertices across a surface equals the total surface area? To be much specific: Can I compute the area of an

Re: [Freesurfer] About the area of the vertices in the surfaces

2008-06-29 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jorge, yes, the area of a vertex is 1/3 of the area of all triangles that it is a member of, and it should sum to the area of the surface. The average subject has a correction factor that accounts for the "lost" area due to averaging, so you'll need to apply this if you want it to be in tru