if you visualize them on fsaverage it has parcellations (e.g. lh and rh
aparc.annot and a2005saparc.annot) in the label dir you can load that will
display this info
On Wed, 21 May 2008, yczhang
Using lgi or thickness,how could I know the anatomical correspondence for a
I have a basic question regarding retinatopy analysis. In the paradigm files
we specify whether the run was mapping eccentricity or polar angle stimulus,
and we specify the number of cycles in mkanalysis. Don't we need to be more
specific about the stimulus, i.e. how many wedges trace one cy
It can determine that once it has loaded in the functional volume as it
will have the TR and the number of time points at that time.
Elif SIKOGLU wrote:
I have a basic question regarding retinatopy analysis. In the paradigm
files we specify whether the run was mapping eccentric
Hi Rachel,
looks like the superior gm is very dark, so some control points in the
superior wm should help. That said, this is much worse than we usually
Let us know how it goes.
On Tue, 20 May 2008, Dick, Rachel wrote:
I'm having some issues with the cortex as
Hi everyone,
Our group is interested to know whether there is a way to view the WM
parcellation regions as you would gray matter. My understanding is that
the viewer options are for white matter hemisphere totals, as in it's
either left or right. Thanks again!
Marlisa Isom
Research Coord
tkmedit subject brain.mgz -seg wmparc.mgz
Marlisa Isom wrote:
Hi everyone,
Our group is interested to know whether there is a way to view the WM
parcellation regions as you would gray matter. My understanding is that
the viewer options are for white matter hemisphere totals, as in it
Hi, I had a question regarding the labels listed in
FreesurferColorsLUT.txt. Does any of the data Freesurfer outputs contain
Labels 400-409 (corresponding to various Brodmann's Areas)? I've never
seen those labels used in the publicly-released version, but wanted to
verify since a coworker was spec
Hi Aaron,
if you look on the wiki there's an online preprint of a forthcoming
Cerebral Cortex paper on this. We're happy to distribute the labels and
were going to include them in the next release I think in any case.
On Wed,
21 May 2008, Goldman, Aaron (NIH/NIMH) [C] wrote: