Can you send the command-line for mri_glmfit that was run by qdec (as
output in the terminal), and also the command-line you ran for glmfit.
Also, can you send the fsgd file used by each.
On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 12:06 +0100, Hoppmann, Fee wrote:
> Dear all,
> I ran an analysis on so
The Human Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory (affiliated with UC
Davis and the VA Northern California and located in the San Francisco
Bay Area) is searching for a co-director to assist in directing ongoing
VA-sponsored research programs using structural and functional MRI.
Research program
I have a question about extracting functional data from structurally defined
cortical labels. Here's what I'm doing:
1) Run a gammafit analysis;
2) Define cortical ROIs by using mri_annotation2label to make labels
from aparc.annot;
3) Define sub-cortical ROIs by using mri_co
Yes, it is that 1mm3 voxel on the white (or pial) surface. For sampling
into the functional volume, this is usually not an issue as the
functional voxels are generally much bigger.
You can change the cortical sampling depth by running mri_label2label
with --projfrac (eg, --projfrac 0.5 for mid
Hi Doug. So if I'm understanding you, the 1mm3 voxel overlaps the larger (3
x 3 x 3 mm) functional voxel and so when I pull out the functional data it
comes from the entire functional voxel? Is the combination of
mri_annotation2label and func2roi-sess a common way to extract data from
cortical ROIs
Is there a way to change the text color of the overlay scale bar labels
in tksurfer? I see them as black text on a black background -
completely unreadable unless i move the brain under the scale bar.
Freesurfer mailing list
hmmm, this doesn't happen for me (the text is white on my linux box).
What os/version/hardware are you using?
On Mon, 17 Mar 2008, Scott wrote:
Is there a way to change the text color of the overlay scale bar labels in
tksurfer? I see them as black text on a black background - completel