Hi all,
I have run two different group analyses in stable3. All of the analysis
parameters between the two are identical except that one uses a paradigm
file containing three conditions and the other uses a paradigm file
containing five conditions. The first three conditions in the analysis
using t
Hello, Doug,
I ran into an error when I ran mri_glmfit after I finished mris_preproc
ERROR: dimension mismatch between y and x. y has 5 inputs, x has 10 inputs.
I think it is because the mris_preproc -paired-diff generated 5 inputs of
difference within 5 pairs, but my FSGD f
Every time point not specified as a condition would be counted as baseline,
right? So does that mean then, that you have a different baseline for your
3 and 5 condition analyses?
From: "Cameron Ellis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: [Freesurfer] activation pat
Hi Don,
yes, I figured this was the case. When I run an roi analysis using both
sets of data I do indeed differrent results for % signal change, which
makes sense because each condition is compared to baseline and my
baselines are different.but shouldn't creating a contrast of two
conditions give t