Hi, I am trying to color code my labels according to the stats
associated with each label. I was playing with the colortable but that
did not work. I will appreciate any guidance/ help on that. How can I
give to a given label the color I want to?
Hi Nurunisa,
If you are using tksurfer to view the annotation files or an individual
label, you can first select the label you want to color code by clicking
on it. Then, you can bring the 'color spectrum' bar in tksurfer and choose
whichever color you would like.
> Hi, I am trying
Hi Alex,
the initial Euler number is huge (-609):
efore topology correction, eno=-609 (nv=178409, nf=358124, ne=537142,
using quasi-homeomorphic spherical map to tessellate cortical surface...
check to see if the cerebellum or skull is attached (178409 vertices is
also way too many).
p.s. also the last defect it gets to is a really big one:
retessellating defect 105 with 13082 vertices (convex hull=6596).
which may cause it to run out of memory. In any case, my guess is something
is pretty seriousll wrong with this surface.
On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Fornito,
Alexander wrote