Dear all,
I am posting the questions I made to Bruce without going through the list
along with his reply.
**I would still like to be sure about question 1)***, as it is central to my
conclusions. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.
>There are still a couple of questions in my mind
What are the file format requirements for the 2 files called
to load head points - *.hpts and *.trans into tkmedit or tksurfer?
We have a whole-head neuromagnetometer (4-D Neuroimaging 3600
Magnes MEG system) with 248 sensor channels.
I’d like to co-register my dipole locations wi
Hi Freesurfers,
I have some questions about the aseg.stats file. What do the brainmask and brain segmentation volumes refer to? Is there a helpfile that defines these. Thanks
Mr.Ajith Kumar U
Junior Research Fellow,
Department of Aud
Hi Aju,
The BrainMaskVOl in the aseg.stats file uses all of the voxels that are in
the brainmask.mgz volume. the BrainSegVol uses all of the voxels that are
labeled in the aseg.mgz segmentation.
On Fri, 27 Oct 2006, Ajith Kumar U wrote:
Hi Freesurfers,
I have some questions about t
yes, I agree that a new atlas might need a different scaling. And I also
agree that the talairach_with_skull.lta should be adjusted relative to a
volume with a skull on it, otherwise the eTIV wouldn't be right if
there's atrophy.
On Fri, 27 Oct 2006, Joao Pereira wrote:
Dear all,
I am postin
Hi all,
We are trying to implement a slice-time correction ('stc-sess -i fmc -o
fmcstc -so siemens -s FPPREW01 -d .') but we get the following error...
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to -1 /net/tucson/Raid/shared/exp/REfMRI/fMRI_FPPREW/functional
slicetimer -i