[Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread dasoscia
I am having trouble with one of my skull strips, and getting very extreme results. When I re-run the skullstrip using different watershed values, anything at 56% or below takes 75%+ of the brain out, and as soon as I jump to 57% or higher, it leaves on almost all of the skull, except for maybe 5%

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread Nick Schmansky
First have a look at the troubleshooting wiki pages at: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/TroubleshootingData In particular, Subject 1 has a skull strip problem, and the fix info is here: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/SkullStripFix I'm guessing you have

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread dasoscia
I am currently in the process of manual editing...just curious though, what exatly does adding an atlas do to the skullstrip process? Quoting Nick Schmansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > First have a look at the troubleshooting wiki pages at: > > https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/Tro

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
it helps detect cases in which the deformation is too big (e.g. when the surface deforms all the way into the cerebellum), and can thus recover from e.g. cerebellum chopping. On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am currently in the process of manual editing...just curious though,

[Freesurfer] Re: Freesurfer Digest, Vol 28, Issue 32

2006-06-28 Thread Anil Roy
Hi Sebastian,I installed compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.fc4.i386 and recon-all worked just fine and exited with no errors. It did take 25 hrs though. Thanks a lot.Anil Roy. On 6/25/06, Sebastian Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Hi Anil,On 26. Jun 2006, at 00:08 Uhr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> Mess

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread dasoscia
I just finished my 4 hour manual editing...went to file>save volume as...then saved it to where it defaulted me, which was the mri folder of this subject. When i pull up my brainmask, it is giving me the same one that it had before i made any changes. I hope i didnt do something wrong and lost al

[Freesurfer] Total Volumes

2006-06-28 Thread Ajith Kumar U
Hello All, How do we obtain the total volumes(gray+white) of certain regions. In ?.aparc.stats, I can find the gray matter volumes but not total volumes. Is this in some other file? Thanks, Aju. ** Mr.Ajith Kumar U Junior Research Fellow,

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread Nick Schmansky
The brainmask.mgz file is the one that should be edited (and saved), so select that filename to save. Then just continue with autorecon2 (and it will use your brainmask.mgz). It will not overwrite your brainmask.mgz unless you specify the aptly named '-clean-bm' flag to recon-all. On Wed, 2006-

Re: [Freesurfer] Total Volumes

2006-06-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
what would the white matter volume of a cortical region mean? On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Ajith Kumar U wrote: Hello All, How do we obtain the total volumes(gray+white) of certain regions. In ?.aparc.stats, I can find the gray matter volumes but not total volumes. Is this in some other file? Than

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
sounds like you saved it in COR format, which is what will happen if you specify a destination folder instead of a file name (e.g. brainmask.mgz). Try loading that in tkmedit to make sure it's got your edits, then you can convert it to .mgz with mri_convert. On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_watershed

2006-06-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
but you'll need to convert the COR file you saved to brainmask.mgz if you want to recover your edits (4 hours of manual editing!). Bruce On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Nick Schmansky wrote: The brainmask.mgz file is the one that should be edited (and saved), so select that filename to save. Then jus

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Total Volumes

2006-06-28 Thread Ajith Kumar U
What I mean is, for example, the total volume of Heschl's Gyrus. This includes its gray matter and the underlying white matter. I understand that the wm boundary would be difficult to compute but even some estimates would work. Aju. On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 Bruce Fischl wrote : >what would the whi

[Freesurfer] Anatomical Stats

2006-06-28 Thread Anil Roy
Hi Everyone, Is there a way to process the minc files I have and only obtain the anatomical stats without the entire recon-all process. I have a large number of brains and it would take a couple of weeks if I was to take every minc file and run recon-all. Thanks - Anil. _

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Total Volumes

2006-06-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Doug put together a white matter parcellation that does this kind of thing, but I'm not sure what the status of it is. Doug? On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Ajith Kumar U wrote: What I mean is, for example, the total volume of Heschl's Gyrus. This includes its gray matter and the underlying white matter

[Freesurfer] Scale Bar

2006-06-28 Thread Reza Rajimehr
Hi, Does anybody have any idea what the scale bar shows in Tksurfer? I have heard that the scalebar is 10mm for the human brain. I am working with the monkey brain. Is the length of the scale bar 1cm for the monkey brain as well? Thanks, Reza Reza Rajimehr, MD N

Re: [Freesurfer] Total Volumes

2006-06-28 Thread Doug Greve
We are still evaluating it, but it should be ready by our next stable release. doug Bruce Fischl wrote: Doug put together a white matter parcellation that does this kind of thing, but I'm not sure what the status of it is. Doug? On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Ajith Kumar U wrote: What I mean is,

Re: [Freesurfer] Scale Bar

2006-06-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
it should be, unless you've "fooled" mri_convert into thinking the voxel dimensions are different than what they are, which is a standard trick with the monkey data. In that case its 10 of whatever your original voxel dimensions were. cheers, Bruce On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Reza Rajimehr wrote:

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Total Volumes

2006-06-28 Thread Ajith Kumar U
Thank you for the response. I may be overly forthcoming here, but when will the next stable release be available. Aju  On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 Doug Greve wrote : > >We are still evaluating it, but it should be ready by our next stable release. > >doug > > > >Bruce Fischl wrote: > >>Doug put toge

Re: [Freesurfer] Total Volumes

2006-06-28 Thread Doug Greve
Not sure, but probably Aug or Sept (that'd be 6mo after the prev stable). doug Ajith Kumar U wrote: Thank you for the response. I may be overly forthcoming here, but when will the next stable release be available. Aju  On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 Doug Greve wrote : > >We are still evalu

Re: [Freesurfer] Scale Bar

2006-06-28 Thread Reza Rajimehr
Hi Bruce, Thanks for your email. Just to make sure: the original voxel size is 0.35 um isotropic. so in my case, the scale bar would be 3.5 mm, right? Thanks, Reza > it should be, unless you've "fooled" mri_convert into thinking the voxel > dimensions are different than what they are, which is

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_normalize -conform question

2006-06-28 Thread Nick Schmansky
The dev build is not posted on the web anymore, rather, bug fixes and tested minor enhancements get folded into the stable build and released periodically (so far, it seems about every six weeks). A new stable release (v3.0.4) will be forthcoming, and I'll make sure that the --conform flag of mr

Re: [Freesurfer] Scale Bar

2006-06-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
I think so. On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Reza Rajimehr wrote: Hi Bruce, Thanks for your email. Just to make sure: the original voxel size is 0.35 um isotropic. so in my case, the scale bar would be 3.5 mm, right? Thanks, Reza it should be, unless you've "fooled" mri_convert into thinking the voxel

[Freesurfer] retinotopy

2006-06-28 Thread Nurunisa Neyzi
Hi, during retinotopic mapping, still at the beginning, when I run the analysis (with the command sfa-sess), I get the error: ERROR: meanimg for mean image failed meanimg -i rtopy/eccen/h-offset -i rtopy/polar/h-offset -o rtopy/h-offset and I have h.bdhr and omnibus in my eccen and polar folder

Re: [Freesurfer] retinotopy

2006-06-28 Thread Doug Greve
Can you send the full terminal output of sfa-sess? Nurunisa Neyzi wrote: Hi, during retinotopic mapping, still at the beginning, when I run the analysis (with the command sfa-sess), I get the error: ERROR: meanimg for mean image failed meanimg -i rtopy/eccen/h-offset -i rtopy/polar/h-offset

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_normalize -conform question

2006-06-28 Thread Sebastian Moeller
Hi Nick, hi Bruce, On 29. Jun 2006, at 00:39 Uhr, Nick Schmansky wrote: The dev build is not posted on the web anymore, rather, bug fixes and tested minor enhancements get folded into the stable build and released periodically (so far, it seems about every six weeks). Which, I might add, is re