[Freesurfer] Cortical thickness difference measurement

2006-06-01 Thread Joao Pereira
Hello again! Firstly, let me thank you for your precious previous advices, which pointed me in the right direction. I have another question for you: I have read your article on Reliability of MRI cortical thickness measurements and its relation with scanner and field, and I would like to know wha

Re: [Freesurfer] Cortical thickness difference measurement

2006-06-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Joao, I think we did all the subtractions and such in matlab. There are .m files for reading/writing most of our formats. cheers, Bruce On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Joao Pereira wrote: Hello again! Firstly, let me thank you for your precious previous advices, which pointed me in the right dire

[Freesurfer] Using cortical segmentation in an anatomy project

2006-06-01 Thread Ivan Blagoev Topolsky
Hello ! I work for the department of Anatomy (http://www.medecine.unige.ch/GRAC/) in the Centre Médical Universitaire of the Université de Genève (http://www.unige.ch/). We're planning to use the FreeSurfer software suite (or more precisely, the surface-based stream ) in a project that aims to sy

Re: [Freesurfer] Using cortical segmentation in an anatomy project

2006-06-01 Thread Nick Schmansky
Ivan, In response to your first question about sequence parameters for optimal segmentation, we achieve optimal gm/wm segmentation using the MP-RAGE sequence protocol. For info, see Data Requirements section of this page: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferBeginnersGuide which

Re: [Freesurfer] Using cortical segmentation in an anatomy project

2006-06-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Ivan Blagoev Topolsky wrote: Hello ! I work for the department of Anatomy (http://www.medecine.unige.ch/GRAC/) in the Centre Médical Universitaire of the Université de Genève (http://www.unige.ch/). We're planning to use the FreeSurfer software suite (or more precisely, the

[Freesurfer] directional cosine error?

2006-06-01 Thread Nguyen, Thang Q
Hello all, I get a directional cosine error when I try to register data or extract values from them so I tried mri_info and get this message:   mri_info subj1.img matfile: only read 256 bytes of name (810698068 specified)   MatlabRead: readHeader returned NULL   WARNING: analyzeRead

[Freesurfer] Problems with Auto Reconall

2006-06-01 Thread Frederick Powell
using max gradient = 1.000 reading from nu.mgz... normalizing image... talairach transform 1.117 0.005 0.077 -0.516; -0.015 1.062 0.148 -22.126; -0.084 -0.173 1.230 -34.192; 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000; INFO: Modifying talairach volume c_(r,a,s) based on average_3

Re: [Freesurfer] Problems with Auto Reconall

2006-06-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
can you run: mri_info nu.mgz and send us the results? thanks, Bruce On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Frederick Powell wrote: using max gradient = 1.000 reading from nu.mgz... normalizing image... talairach transform 1.117 0.005 0.077 -0.516; -0.015 1.062 0.148 -22.126; -0.084 -0.173 1

[Freesurfer] error in 'create surface'

2006-06-01 Thread Joongnam Yang
Hi all, I posted a question, but for some reason, I didn't get any response. Please help me on this. Here is the question. I ran 'process volume' and 'create surface' on csurf. The created surface (left inflated) has brain stem attached to it. So, I editted 'wm' slices to get rid of it, and ran '

Re: [Freesurfer] error in 'create surface'

2006-06-01 Thread Nick Schmansky
Nam, The csurf application is no longer supported (and has been removed from the newest release). The recon-all script now performs all processing stages, where the three main stages are -autorecon1, -autorecon2 and - autorecon3 (-stage1 is a deprecated option). You may want to see our new tutor

Re: [Freesurfer] directional cosine error?

2006-06-01 Thread Doug Greve
If you have a tkregister registration file called subj1.mat, then name it something else as the volume reading tools think that is an spm-style .mat file and try to read it as a matlab4 matrix. doug Nguyen, Thang Q wrote: Hello all, I get a directional cosine erro

Re: [Freesurfer] Recon error

2006-06-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
it is in the mri dir: /Users/frederickpowell/freesurfer/subjects/011106RJ/mri/nu.mgz On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Frederick Powell wrote: gunzip: /Users/frederickpowell/freesurfer/subjects/011106RJ/nu.mgz.gz: No such file or directory mghRead(/Users/frederickpowell/freesurfer/subjects/011106RJ/nu.mgz

[Freesurfer] Recon error

2006-06-01 Thread Frederick Powell
gunzip: /Users/frederickpowell/freesurfer/subjects/011106RJ/nu.mgz.gz: No such file or directory mghRead(/Users/frederickpowell/freesurfer/subjects/011106RJ/nu.mgz, -1): read error I went into my subjects directory and to the subject that I ran with the error and received the above. -- Frederick

[Freesurfer] eTIV bug

2006-06-01 Thread Sasha Wolosin
Dear all, I have processed all my data using Stable v3.0.1. Does the eTIV bug effect any other volume measures? If I want to compute eTIV for my data, should I install the lates version and re-run mri_label_volume -eTIV ? Thanks, Sasha Disclaimer: The materials in this e-mail are private and

[Freesurfer] question about distortion from flattening

2006-06-01 Thread adam walczak
Hello, I was wondering if there is a more intutive way than guess-and-check to help me to eliminate the distortion on the flattened surfaces. I know that it is due the the placement/length of the cuts, but I am not sure how to alter the cuts so that the images won't be distorted. This seems like

Re: [Freesurfer] eTIV bug

2006-06-01 Thread Nick Schmansky
Sasha, The eTIV bug (fixed in v3.0.2) affects mri_label_volume and mri_segstats. mri_segstats is run as part of the standard recon-all stream, and incorporates the eTIV calculation, putting the results in the file subjid/stats/aseg.stats, the lines beginning with: # Measure . So you would n

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] error in 'create surface'

2006-06-01 Thread Joongnam Yang
Thanks, Nick, If I install a new version of FS, would it be too much of hassle? Because I am in the middle of data analysis for a project using the old version, and I remember I had a big trouble installing different libraries for Freesurfer for the old version, which was a daunting job. Nam.

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] error in 'create surface'

2006-06-01 Thread Nick Schmansky
Nam, The newer versions of freesurfer (those within the past year) contain the major libraries and toolkits upon which freesurfer depends (Tcl/Tk/Tix/BLT, GSL, MNI, FSL), so it should be straightforward to install a new version. See: http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Download Basicaly, j

[Freesurfer] How to disable jumping tool windows? Environment variables?

2006-06-01 Thread Graham Wideman
Folks: Both tkmedit and tksurfer have tool windows which jump to a location below their respective main image windows whenever the image windows are moved or adjusted. This prevents the image windows from being enlarged to full screen height, because the tool windows then jump to bottom of s

Re: [Freesurfer] How to disable jumping tool windows? Environment variables?

2006-06-01 Thread Kevin Teich
> Both tkmedit and tksurfer have tool windows which jump to a location below > their respective main image windows whenever the image windows are moved or > adjusted. > > This prevents the image windows from being enlarged to full screen height, > because the tool windows then jump to bottom of