Hi Chunchun,
we have been buying opterons and running the 64 bit version of FreeSurfer,
but in general, here's out advice:
(1) Most important is to get something with at least 4GB RAM
(2) Next make sure to buy enough disk space for your data and
make sure to think about how you will
Hi Doug, hi List,
On 10. Apr 2006, at 20:28 Uhr, Doug Greve wrote:
I usually set it to about 20 sec (the interpretation of this parameter
is that the temporal autocorrelation will return to 0 beyond this
spacing). The brain mask is used to restrict the voxels overwhich the
autocorrelation i
I'd like to run a simple repeated-measures analysis tetsing for change in
thickness measures between 2 time points. There is no between-subjects factor,
only the effect of time. Do I just set up a standard DOSS FSGD file, or do I
use a different format? The tutorial only covers between-subje
There are two ways to do it:
1. You can use DOSS, making each subject it's own class. Then create one
"Variable". For a given input, set the variable to either +1 or -1
depending upon whether it corresponds to the first or second time
point. Then create a contrast as [0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1], w
Hi Doug,
Is mri_preproc a new addition to the stable version? I'm using recon-all-nmr,v
1.104 2005/09/07 and can't seem to find it.
I tried running the analysis through mris_glm as per option 1 as you described,
but came across a problem. Command, error, and my FSGD are below. Thanks,
Yes, mris_preproc is new with stable. In your FSGD file, try
specifying the title as a single string without spaces.
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Fornito, Alexander wrote:
Hi Doug,
Is mri_preproc a new addition to the stable version? I'm using recon-all-nmr,v
1.104 2005/09/07 and can't seem t
How should one interpret the curvature function...what is the essence of it's being...what does it mean?
Freesurfer mailing list
I still get the same error message. Maybe I've coded the variable wrong?
gdfReadHeader: reading ./test_fsgd.txt
INFO: gd2mtx_method is doss
ERROR: Design Matrix: nrows (10) <= ncols (11)
Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychol
Oh, I'm sorry. I see the problem now. When I said to create a class
for each subject, I meant for each person, not for each FreeSurfer
subject. So there should only be 5 classes, not 10.
So do something like this:
Class class_subj1
Class class_subj2
Class class_subj3
Class class_subj4
Class cla
i am going over the fsfast tutorial. i have completed all steps up to
"FsFastTutorial/905 Average session-level data by condition"
when i run "selxavg-sess -sf sessid -df sessp
Actually, if all you want to do is skullstrip on a raw volume, then
you'll have to use mri_watershed by itself. Running with recon-all
-skullstrip will assume that you've run the previous steps.
mri_watershed can take a lot of parameters. You can look inside
recon-all to see which ones we use
tksurfer -> view -> information - > distancewhat is the reference point for this command, ie when the cursor is on point x with a value of, say 0.02 what is that the distance of?Thanks.
Freesurfer mailing list
Add the following lines to your startup.m file
fshmatlab = sprintf('%s/matlab',FSH);
clear fshmatlab;
Paymon Hosseini wrote:
i am going over the fsfast tutorial. i have completed all steps up to
"FsFastTutorial/905 Average session-lev
It's the screen distance from the cursor or point clicked to the
vertex it's reporting as the one the mouse is over or clicked.
On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 02:09:25PM -0400, anthony gallo wrote:
> tksurfer -> view -> information - > distance
> what is the reference point for this command, ie when
I usually set it to about 20 sec (the interpretation of this parameter
is that the temporal autocorrelation will return to 0 beyond this
spacing). The brain mask is used to restrict the voxels overwhich the
autocorrelation is computed and averaged (don't want to include "air"
voxels in the co
Mark Vangel and I are offering a short course in the statistical signal
processing of fMRI again.
April 26 & 27, 2006
7th Floor Auditorium
Building 149
Charlestown Navy Yard
Free, but limited to 40 attendees.
Register at:
We plan to buy Linux machine for freesurfer and other brain image
processing. Any recommendation and related links?
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