Dear all,
I am having trouble running tkregister2.
I get an error when I run tkregister2 on a subject after running autorecon1
(see below.) However, I also get an error when I run it on bert.
It seems tkregister2 is searching for COR files, but I am using mgz format.
Am I not using
I just fixed this error. For those in the nmr center, the fix will be
live tomorrow. For those outside, you can download a new Linux version
Sasha Wolosin wrote:
Dear all,
I am having trouble running tkregister2.
I g
An alternative solution is to create the COR files for the talairach
cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/talairach/mri
mri_convert -it mgz -ot cor orig.mgz orig/
This will deposit COR files into the orig/ directory, and your current
tkregister2 should then work.
We are recommending using .mgz
I am trying to superimpose an average curvature on the inflated brain
surface of another subject. I know that you can use
mris_average_curvature to create an average curvature of some specified
brains, but I would like to use an average curvature that is not an
average of the subjects' cur
Hi Sheeva,
you can use mrisp_paint:
mrisp_paint $FREESURFER_HOME/average/lh.average.tif#6 \
$SUBJECTS_DIR/$subject/surf/lh.sphere.reg \
mrisp_paint $FREESURFER_HOME/average/lh.average.tif#3 \
Just had a couple of questions re: the -pvvol flag in mri_segstats:
How does it take account of partial voluming?
Is there anyway to visualize what the partial volume-corrected volume would
look like?
Would you recmmoned using this falg routinely to obtain subcortical volumes?
Finally, on
Hi Alex,
the -pvol flag assumes ever border voxel is a linear combination of the
class that it is labeled as and another class that it borders. The local
class means are computed by as the sample mean in a local window of all non
border voxels of that class.
The mac and linux version should