[Freesurfer] Skull Stripping Problem

2005-03-02 Thread iag iag
Hello all. I am having a problem with skull stripping that I can't figure out a way around.  One subject out of 10 is having the problem.  The intensity normalization works fine and all values hover around 110 just like in the other 9 subjects.  However, during skull stripping the pons is very nea

[Freesurfer] Re: tkmedit's label files

2005-03-02 Thread George Papadimitriou
Hi guys, I need to convert a label file into analyze, and see if I can import it to the Syngo as an ROI. How can I do this? I recall reading in an FS-FAST manual about a label2roi program. I don't see it in the standard nmr environment. I'd really appreciate your input. George P. On Wed, 2 Ma

Re: [Freesurfer] Re: tkmedit's label files

2005-03-02 Thread Doug Greve
Hi George, use mri_label2vol. Run with --help to get docs. You'll need to run it something like: mri_label2vol --label lh-avg_central_sulcus.label --temp f.img --o lh-avg_central_sulcus.img --temp is the template volume. The output volume (lh-avg_central_sulcus.img) will have the same g