I just discovered that I'm lacking the MNI coordinates in Freesurfer2004-02-18. I just
updated this version with the new mri_convert and mri_watershed fix (putting these in
the freesurfer/bin/Linux directory). That couldn't create this problem? Any
suggestions appreciated.
the MNI coords are only shown if the talairach.xfm exists, and if
view->info->MNI coords is checked.
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Kristine Beate
Walhovd wrote:
I just discovered that I'm lacking the MNI coordinates in Freesurfer2004-02-18. I just
updated this version with the new mri_
I start with the filling of white matter but after a while I am receiving this massage:
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
/Users/wanpark/Desktop/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill: could not find pons
No such
Hi Wan,
you can always manually select seed points in the left and right
hemisphers and in the pons and corpus callosum, then specify them in the
mri_fill command line:
mri_fill -lh -rh -p -cc wm filled
from the subject's mri directory.
The better way to do this thought is to use the MNI aut