Can you send the full command line and full terminal output?
On 07/25/2015 02:43 PM, Park, Jung Mi wrote:
> Hi Freesurfer team
> I did unpacksdcmdir successfully before at Martinos center.
> Recently I got error message while I was trying to unpacksdcmdir.
> ; Cannot open
> /autofs/c
Was there an error during scanning? The error message looks like there
was an error during that run and the scan was either aborted by the
scanner or the scanner crashed on that sequence. Did you check your lab
On 7/25/15 2:43 PM, Park, Jung Mi wrote:
> Hi Freesurfer team
Hi Freesurfer team
I did unpacksdcmdir successfully before at Martinos center.
Recently I got error message while I was trying to unpacksdcmdir.
; Cannot open /autofs/cluster/scratch/monday/jungmi/data_parent/0201JB/
There was some messages in unpack.log;
INFO: found 4276 Siemens fil