To enable variables in my script, I resorted to something like this:
set r 1
set g 2
set b 3
array set labl_color [list $r 254 $g 204 $b 92]
labl_set_color $labelN $labl_color($r) $labl_color($g) $labl_color($b)
Thanks, Darren
Kevin Teich wrote:
Just do:
labl_set_color 0 255 255 255
Just do:
labl_set_color 0 255 255 255
Tcl is very specific about what it considers lists. When you do:
set color "255 255 255"
You're actually setting 'color' to a list containing three
elements. When you pass that list to 'labl_set_color' it only counts
as one argument.
On Wed, Apr 05, 2006
I'm a novice with tcl, so I'm having trouble with using a variable to
labl_set_color index r g b
set color "255 255 255"
labl_set_color 0 $color
gives error:
Wrong # args: labl_set_color index r g b
How is this done?
Thanks, Darren
Darren L. Weber, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Schol