you need to run recon-all on your T1.nii, then register your spectroscopy
images to the recons (we use bbregister for this). Then you can use our
segmentations to analyze the spectroscopy data.
On Tue, 2 Feb 2010, magnet
scanner wrote:
> Hi, Bruce,
> Thanks for your quick respo
Hi, Bruce,
Thanks for your quick response. here is what I am going to do with my
spectroscopy data;
1. mri_convert to convert all my T1 and T2 images to nifti format
mri_convert -it dicom {T1 filename} -ot nii {T1.nii} --out_orientation
mri_convert -it dicom{T2 filename} -ot nii {
Hi Mag,
no, the conform is a necessary step, but it wouldn't be applied to your
spectroscopy data in any case. You would register that to the anatomicals
(that were conformed). Is that what you mean?
On Tue, 2 Feb 2010, magnet
scanner wrote:
> Hi,
> Please excuse me if this is an old q
Please excuse me if this is an old question. I was wondering if there is a
way of not doing conform when segmentation on the whole brain since I am
dealing with spectroscopy data and need affine matrix. So I have to make
sure the matrix is the same.