I don't know what you mean, can you elaborate?
On 12/15/2022 1:38 PM, Mingyang Xia wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
thank you for replying. Sometimes I meet the problem that the document
says that Tr is 3s but when I use make-analysis it says that the file
is 2.2s and then it coul
External Email - Use Caution
thank you for replying. Sometimes I meet the problem that the document says
that Tr is 3s but when I use make-analysis it says that the file is 2.2s
and then it could not work. How to solve this problem?
Best regards
Mingyang Xia
Douglas N. Greve 于 20
regressing out is the analysis. You'll have to create an "analysis" with
mkanalysis-sess, then run selxavg3-sess with -svres to save the residual.
On 12/7/2022 12:04 AM, Mingyang Xia wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer expert:
After I used ' fcseed-config' to get wm.
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer expert:
After I used ' fcseed-config' to get wm.dat and csf.dat, how could I get
the signal of each voxel that regresses out the nuisance. I do not want to
do the analysis. I just want to get the signal after regressing out