There is nothing more you need to do. With --etiv, asegstats2table will
divide by the eTIV (and multiply by something like 100k to make the
values reasonable). At that point it is corrected. You could also
regress against eTIV rather than dividing by it. I don't know which one
is better.
On 4
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Thank you Douglas for the answer. Could you be more explicit?
So, once you have the aseg.stats you need to run which command with --etiv-only?
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 4:00 PM Douglas N. Greve
> It is not done. If you are running asegstats2tab
It is not done. If you are running asegstats2table, you can have it
perform the correction by adding --etiv to the command line
On 4/19/2021 7:41 AM, Jaime Gomez wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Does the asegs.stats produced by recon_all have the volume estimates
of subcorti
External Email - Use Caution
Does the asegs.stats produced by recon_all have the volume estimates of
subcortical structures adjusted by the eTIV?
I want to understand the effect of sex in the segmented structures. Should
normalize the volumes of aseg.stats (Vol/eTIV) or is alr