The fwhm.dat file contains the total amount of smoothness. The data have
inherent/endogenous smoothing and then you apply a certain amount, so
the total amount is different (more than) the amount you applied. To do
correction for multiple comparisons, mri_glmfit-sim needs to know how
smooth you
I have a question about mri_glmfit. As an input, you give e.g. the stacked
thickness data from all subjects, smoothed with a certain fwhm. But then as an
output file, it gives an fwhm.dat file, which, at least in my case, contains
another smoothing level.
I noticed this because I ran mri_g
You have a continuous variable "age" in your fsgd file. As far as i know,
permutation can't have continuous variables.
Try mc-z that should work.
> Hi,
> using version 4.0.5
> i ran the command:
> mri_glmfit --y qdec/N83_only_boys.mgh --fsgd qdec/qdec.fsgd doss --surf
> fsaverag
using version 4.0.5
i ran the command:
mri_glmfit --y qdec/N83_only_boys.mgh --fsgd qdec/qdec.fsgd doss --surf
fsaverage lh --C qdec/diff-1-2.txt --glmdir stats/
it worked.
then i did:
mri_glmfit --y qdec/N83_only_boys.mgh --fsgd qdec/qdec.fsgd doss --surf
fsaverage lh --C qdec/diff-1-2.tx