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Hello Bruce,
As suggested by you, I used tkmeditfv to view the volumetric maps on the
surface and it seems like the dACC cluster is lying outside the brain. I
checked the registration of the volumetric file using tkregisterfv but
surprisingly nothing s
you can try
tkmeditfv subject orig.mgz -surfs -ov clustermap.nii.gz -fminmax .01 3
you may have to adjust the thresholds (fminmax)
On 6/26/18 10:43 PM, srishti goel wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello Bruce,
You had mentioned about loading the volumetric maps with the surface
External Email - Use Caution
Hello Bruce,
You had mentioned about loading the volumetric maps with the surface to
check that all my clusters are contained within the surfaces. Since I am
very new to freesurfer, could you please guide to where I can find an
appropriate command to d
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Bruce,
Thank you so much for your prompt help. Can I achieve that with:
tkregisterfv --mov [your volume maps] --regheader --s [the subject on whose
surface map is registered] --surfs --reg [file name]
Social/Clinical R
Hi Srishti
you should be able to load the volumetric maps with the surfaces and make
sure that your clusters are contained within the surface.
On Mon, 25 Jun
2018, srishti goel wrote:
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They are separate clusters not the same cluste
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They are separate clusters not the same clusters but we both of those don't
show up when we project the volume maps on surface. Every other cluster
comes up and this has happened in about 2-3 files. Are you absolutely sure
that the surface in freesurfer
It should be included. But dACC and insula are not close to each other.
How can there be a cluster that spans both?
On 6/23/18 7:54 PM, srishti goel wrote:
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I am using mri_vol2surf to project my volume maps on to the surface.
There is a dACC/insul
External Email - Use Caution
I am using mri_vol2surf to project my volume maps on to the surface. There
is a dACC/insula cluster visible in my volume maps that doesn't show up
when I project it on the surface.
Is that because dACC/insula is not included in surfaces on Free