I've recently changed the way we handle nifti to read and write both the
qform and sform, so it should be (more) comptatible with fsl. If it
"looks right" in tkmedit, then you have the geometry correct, and
freesurfer will respect that. But you have to make sure that you know
which side is le
Hi Doug,
Thanks for clarifying this. My data is in Nifti-Format and looks fine in
FSLview, meaning that left is on the right-hand side of the screen and
vice versa. There is no qform orientation information in the header.
When I convert my data without --in_orientation LAS, it ends up looking
I think this has been fixed. BTW, be very careful changing the
orientation describtion. Note that it is the description that is being
chaanged, NOT the pixel data. If your pixel data were oriented one way
and the description was correct, changing the description will make the
description wron
Hi folks,
There's a small bug in the online help for mri_convert I found when
trying to get my input Nifti's left/right to match with freesurfer
When run without any parameters, the last paragraph describes the use of
the --in-orientation switch. That must read --in_orientation (pr