; rh.sphere.left_right
> should take less than an hour to run
> On 04/03/2018 03:28 PM, Abigail Noyce wrote:
> >
> > Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 14:55:47 -0400
> > From: Douglas Greve > <mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>>
> > Subject: Re: [Frees
If you have a label defined on the lh or rh of fsaverage, you can map it
to the contralateral hemi with something like
mris_apply_reg --src-label lh.your.label --streg lh.sphere.left_right
rh.sphere.left_right --trg rh.your.label
where the left_right files are in fsaverage/surf
On 3/29/18 2
Hi, I have pored over (I think) all of the mailing list postings about
cross-hemisphere mapping and I can't quite figure out how to do this.
I have a bunch of labels on fsaverage, and I want to be able to
check/visualize the relationship between lh and rh versions of the labels.
I can do mri_labe