You can use mri_label2label to create a binary mask of the label
(--outmask), then use mris_apply_reg, something like
mris_apply_reg --src lh.label.bin.mgh --trg lh.label.bin.on-rh.mgh
--streg lh.sphere.reg.fsaverage_sym rh.sphere.reg.fsaverage_sym --no-rev
Then use mri_cor2label to convert i
I am trying to map a label in the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere.
To do so, I have registered the subject's native surfaces to the fsaverage_sym
template using
surfreg -s $subj -t fsaverage_sym -lh
surfreg -s $subj -t fsaverage_sym -lh -xhemi
What would be the best way to map the