Which version of freesurfer tools are you using?
I get the following for bert subject:
$ mincinfo orig.mnc
file: orig.mnc
image: unsigned byte 0 to 254
image dimensions: xspace yspace zspace
dimension name length stepstart
-- -- -
Hi Bruce,
mri_convert seems to work fine and writes out the orig.mnc file alright.
mritotal spits out the error while using mincinfo to read orig.mnc.
I tried executing mincinfo independently on "orig.mnc" and got an
"Invalid dimension id or name" error from ncopen which seems to suggest
Hi Mithun,
if you can send us the output from mri_convert/talairach that fails, and
we'll take a look.
On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, Mithun Mukherjee wrote:
Hi everybody,
I am trying to run segment_subject on one run of data which was originally in
BRIK format and then converted to COR usin
Hi everybody,
I am trying to run segment_subject on one run of data which was originally in BRIK format and then converted to COR using mri_convert.
In the initial registration to talairach process, mincinfo can't seem to read the .mnc file that mri_convert gave it. As a result the talairach.xfm t