It is whole-brain minus cerebellum and brain stem. But the current
release has a bug and should not be trusted. See the email I sent out
last week or look at the Release Notes page on our wiki for how to
download a patch and regenerate the results.
Rashmi Singh wrote:
> Thanks so much Doug
You'll have to run it on each subject. Easy to do with a script. You can
then cat the data into one fine (they are just text files).
Rashmi Singh wrote:
> Thanks Doug,
> Do I need to run the following for each subject or can is there a way to
> run it with input for all my subjects in one
oh, sorry, I do remember now that we took that out (I think we put it
back in for the next release). The work-around is to run
mri_binarize --i brain.mgz --min 0.1 --count count.dat --o junk.mgh
You can delete junk.mgh. The file count.dat will have info about the
number of voxels in the bra
In the aseg.stats file there is a value for the whole brain volume.
Rashmi Singh wrote:
> I would like know how can I get the sub-cortical volumes normalized it to
> the whole brain.
> Thanks,
> Rashmi.
> On 2/28/12 3:14 PM, "Douglas N Greve" wrote:
>> No, it does not. All volumes
No, it does not. All volumes are volumes in native anatomical space.
Rashmi Singh wrote:
> Hello.
> I am using FreeSurfer to generate subcortical volumes and cortical
> thickness for my subjects.
> Does FreeSurfer normalizes the subcortical volumes to the whole brain
> volume for each sub
I am using FreeSurfer to generate subcortical volumes and cortical thickness
for my subjects.
Does FreeSurfer normalizes the subcortical volumes to the whole brain volume
for each subjects.
Let me know.
For among subjects comparison I am assuming that the sub cortical volumes