Re: [Freesurfer] Functional connectivity analysis ERROR: cannot find.../dof

2020-03-13 Thread Douglas N. Greve
can you send the command line and terminal output? On 3/12/2020 3:07 PM, Renew Andrade wrote: > External Email - Use Caution > > Dear FreeSurfer experts: > I cannot fix the problem that I mention in the subject. I put the output of > the terminal below. I was doing functional connectivit

[Freesurfer] Functional connectivity analysis ERROR: cannot find.../dof

2020-03-12 Thread Renew Andrade
External Email - Use Caution Dear FreeSurfer experts: I cannot fix the problem that I mention in the subject. I put the output of the terminal below. I was doing functional connectivity analysis walkthrough tutorial and I followed until group analysis when applying "isxconcat-ses

Re: [Freesurfer] functional connectivity analysis

2015-01-13 Thread Douglas N Greve
Mostly looks ok to me, except that you are using the left isthmus cingulate (1010) instead of thalamus (10). If you want to use motion correction parameters as nuisance regressors, use -mcextreg Where did you see -mcreg ? Step 7 is group level preprocessing Step 8 is group analysis Step 9 is co

[Freesurfer] functional connectivity analysis

2015-01-13 Thread stdp82
Hi list,I'd like to perform functional connectivity analysis between thalamus and whole cortex. I have two groups (control and disease) and I' d like also to assess between groups differences.I'm performing these steps. Please, could you check if these are corrected and could you respond to some