Re: [Freesurfer] eTIV correction and registration in common space

2015-01-29 Thread Martin Reuter
orm the analysis in native space? > The registration in common space should minimize issues due to different head > size. The computation on native space could bias the results considering the > different head sizes among subjects? > Thanks, > > > Stefano > > From: > S

[Freesurfer] eTIV correction and registration in common space

2015-01-29 Thread stdp82
Hi list,please, I have two questions:a) subcortical volume correction in cross-sectional studies could be done by using total GM as covariate instead of eTIV?b) relatively to group subcortical analysis in cross-sectional studies, the anatomical images should be necessarily transformed in commo

Re: [Freesurfer] eTIV correction and registration in common space

2015-01-27 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Steano a) You could do this but then you are testing a somewhat different hypothesis - that the change in a specific structure is more than the overall change in gray matter. Thus for example, widespread atrophy would be regressed out. If that's what you are interested in, then this approac

[Freesurfer] eTIV correction and registration in common space

2015-01-27 Thread stdp82
Hi list,please, I have two questions:a) subcortical volume correction in cross-sectional studies could be done by using total GM as covariate instead of eTIV?b) relatively to group subcortical analysis in cross-sectional studies, the anatomical images should be necessarily transformed in common