Won't I get the data for the complete eg insula then, instead of the cluster
within the insula resulting from the comparison?
Related to this: I noticed that in the aparc.stats files the magnitude of
surface area is in the order of 100-1000 mm2, whereas in the ocn.dat files
resulting from the
Just run mris_preproc on your healthy group, then run mri_segstats using
the cluster annotation from your first analysis and the HC stack as the
input. Does that make sense?
On 2/3/15 9:18 AM, maaike rive wrote:
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to extract average (thickness/area/GI) value
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to extract average (thickness/area/GI) values of a cluster
A for subjects in a group which was NOT included in the model where this
cluster A emerged? For example: in a t-test for diagnosis1>dagnosis2 there is
an effect in an insulacluster (found with mri_glmfit