Hi Michelle,
we don't currently label V3d automatically.
On Thu, 29 Sep 2011, Michelle
Umali wrote:
Dear Freesurfers,
I wanted to generate binary masks for areas found in the Freesurfer Color
Lookup Table.
For example, I wanted to use number 433, the Visual_V3d_l. I tried to
Dear Freesurfers,
I wanted to generate binary masks for areas found in the Freesurfer Color
Lookup Table.
For example, I wanted to use number 433, the Visual_V3d_l. I tried to use
aseg2feat -feat featdir --aseg aparc+aseg
fslmaths -featdir/reg/freesurfer/aparc+
aseg.nii.gz -thr 433v uthr 433 \