External Email - Use Caution
Thank you!
Il giorno mar 18 dic 2018 alle ore 11:43 Bruce Fischl <
fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> ha scritto:
> Hi Maurizio
> the orig.mgz has been converted to 1 byte/pixel and 256^3 1mm isotropic.
> You can use mri_convert to go back to your original
Hi Maurizio
the orig.mgz has been converted to 1 byte/pixel and 256^3 1mm isotropic.
You can use mri_convert to go back to your original data space via:
mri_convert -rl orig/001.mgz
On Tue,
18 Dec 2018, Maurizio Bergamino wrote:
External Email - Use CautionĀ
External Email - Use Caution
I am trying to run a VBM analysis by using the white matter and the grey
matter masks from Freesurfer, because, often, other tools are not able to
calculate a correct white matter and grey matter masks.
When I have these masks, I have to apply th