On 02/13/2015 08:59 AM, David Soto wrote:
> Hi, thanks for your advise, very useful
> to create my V1 masks in the end I used mri_label2vol with
> --stat-thresh thresh .99
> just to confirm, am I right to say that the mask contains voxels with
> a .99 probability of
> being V1?
> (the
Hi, thanks for your advise, very useful
to create my V1 masks in the end I used mri_label2vol with --stat-thresh
thresh .99
just to confirm, am I right to say that the mask contains voxels with a .99
probability of
being V1?
(the mask does look more constrained in the borders)
Try using the --label-stat statvol option
On 02/06/2015 04:12 AM, David Soto wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been succesfully using mri_label2vol on the V1.labels to get a
> nii file
> (i.e. mri_label2vol --label rh.V1.label --temp
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/$i/mri/orig/001 --identity --o rV1.nii --subject $i
> -
I have been succesfully using mri_label2vol on the V1.labels to get a nii
(i.e. mri_label2vol --label rh.V1.label --temp
$SUBJECTS_DIR/$i/mri/orig/001 --identity --o rV1.nii --subject $i --hemi rh
--proj frac 0 1 0.01)
but now I would like to use the "v1.prob.label" to get a .nii file