support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula error: run list is longer than subject list
Hi Oshadi - That does not sound normal. Is there anything wrong with the
FreeSurfer segmentation of this subject?
From: Shanika Jayakody
: [Freesurfer] Tracula error: run list is longer than subject list
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Hi Anastasia
Thanks so much- I think I got the error due to the format of the bvecs and bvals
Trac-all is running but for one person it is running for almost 5 days now- I
assume that can
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula error: run list is longer than subject list
The two formats that you sent are not equivalent.
In the version where the gradient vectors saved in columns, the first 2 columns
0 -0.793264
0 -0.394167
0 0.464074
In the ve
: [Freesurfer] Tracula error: run list is longer than subject list
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get the same error
Thank you very much,
on behalf of Shanika Jayakody
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 2:44 PM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula error: run list is longer than subject
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Hi Anastasia
Thanks so much- it worked! just now.
But I have this error with trac-preprocessing I get "Error: data and
bvals/bvecs do not contain the same number of entries"
As far as I know all my files have 66 entries so I am not sure what causes th