What do you mean by the "total wm measurement"? Total wm volume? If you
are worried about different head sizes, then yes
On 6/1/2022 7:14 AM, Rafael Navarro wrote:
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Hello Dr. Greve,
I am normalizing the cortical SurfArea features from both
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Hello Dr. Greve,
I am normalizing the cortical SurfArea features from both ?h.aparc.stats
with the total white matter surface, calculated as the sum of the total of
the two hemispheres. I checked my results and after applying a t-test I saw
the differ
What surface feature are you exvaluating? If thickness, then don't do
normalization by eTIV or surface area or anything else
On 5/23/2022 11:20 AM, Rafael Navarro wrote:
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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I am building a brain age model from the stats extracted
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Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I am building a brain age model from the stats extracted with FreeSurfer. I
tested my model normalizing volumes by eTIV, which I think is the
recommended, and surfaces by WM total surface. For surfaces, I haven't
found any