Hi Alex,
that will allow the surface to deform properly. Essentially, the surface
deformation is inhibited anywhere the aseg indicates that the surfaces
are adjacent to non-cortical structures.
On Mon, 17 Sep 2007, Alex Fornito
Here are some examples with the aseg. T
Hi Alex,
is that cortex is it accumbens? What do the asegs look like?
On Fri, 14 Sep
2007, Alex Fornito wrote:
Hi all,
I've been having problems getting accurate surfaces in the subgenual
cingulate region, as illustrated in the attached pics. I previously posted to
the list about thi
Hi Alex,
most of us are in Cardiff running the FSL/FreeSurfer course. Can you ping
us again about this next week?
On Wed, 5 Sep 2007, Alex Fornito wrote:
Hi all,
I've been having problems getting accurate surfaces in the subgenual
cingulate region, as illustrated in the attac