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Hi Doug, thank you for the response. I would appreciate if you advice any
better method to compute the SNR for PET signal within an ROI (e..g. thalamus)?
I used spmregister to move my PET images to Freesurfer space then I am thinking
of using mri_segs
Yes, but know that the "SNR" as computed there is the spatial mean
divided by the spatial standard dev. This is likely not the SNR that you
On 08/14/2018 05:07 PM, James Brown wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Freesurfer team,
> I would like to use "mri_segstat" to comp
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Freesurfer team,
I would like to use "mri_segstat" to compute SNR for regions of interest. My
question is, if I use PET images as input does this mean that SNR will be
computed for the PET signal in the ROIs?
Thanks for any help