> To: Gibbard, Clare
> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Recon-all -qcache curvature error& recon-all make
> -all
> Hi Clare
> can you send us the screen output and also what version you are running?
> thanks
> Bruce
> On
ery much.
> Best wishes,
> Clare
> From: Gibbard, Clare
> Sent: 25 July 2012 16:45
> To: Bruce Fischl
> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject: RE: [Freesurfer] Recon-all -qcache curvature error& recon-all make
: RE: [Freesurfer] Recon-all -qcache curvature error & recon-all make
Hi Bruce,
Thanks, I've attached the end of the recon-all.log file for one of the subjects
(the whole thing was too large). This is what I get when I run recon-all
$Id: recon-all,v 1.379.2.17 2011/05/20
Hi Clare
can you send us the screen output and also what version you are running?
Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Gibbard, Clare wrote:
I have run several scans using recon-all -all -subjid subject_no -expert
expert.opts where my expert.opts file changes the parameters for the
I have run several scans using recon-all -all -subjid subject_no -expert
expert.opts where my expert.opts file changes the parameters for the
mri_normalize step (this works well in my scans). I then had to edit a few of
the scans by adding in more white matter and a few control points.