You can try executing it with the -dontrun option
Juergen Haenggi wrote:
Dear Freesurfer users
we are running Freesurfer 3.0.4 on a supercomputer. the problem is that the
first recon-all command
(recon-all -i ...) do not create all 10 folders per subjects, so that
Freesurfer crashed w
Hi Juergen,
you can use -noaseg and only do one hemisphere (-hemi lh) which should make
it quite a bit faster, but of course it won't work as well without the
aseg. Did you check the recon-all.log to see if it had errors making
directories? Although it should have aborted then.
Dear Freesurfer users
we are running Freesurfer 3.0.4 on a supercomputer. the problem is that the
first recon-all command
(recon-all -i ...) do not create all 10 folders per subjects, so that
Freesurfer crashed when trying
to write lh.aparc.annot, because there is no folder called label.
We then