Hi Bruce,
Thanks a lot! This one does work as described and provides me with
information I need.
Hi Sergey,
here's read_annotation.m. It should also return the embedded colormap
that's in the .annot file, including structure names. Not sure why
it's not in your distribution.
Hi Sergey,
here's read_annotation.m. It should also return the embedded colormap
that's in the .annot file, including structure names. Not sure why it's not
in your distribution.
On Sat, 8 Dec 2007, Sergey Plis wrote:
Thank you! Although I did not find the exact function you'r
Thank you! Although I did not find the exact function you're
describing, there is a function with the same name that has the
following help:
>> help read_annotation
[annots] = read_annotation(fname)
reads a binary annotation file into a vector
or this one
>> help freesurfer_read_annota
Thank you! Although I did not find the exact function you're
describing, there is a function with the same name that has the
following help:
>> help read_annotation
[annots] = read_annotation(fname)
reads a binary annotation file into a vector
or this one
>> help freesurfer_read_anno
Hi Sergey,
In matlab you you can use read_annotation.m:
function [vertices, label, colortable] = read_annotation(filename)
% [vertices, label, colortable] = read_annotation(annotfilename.annot)
% vertices expected to be simply from 0 to number of vertices - 1;
% label is the vector of annotati
Please, help me to find out how to extract information I need. For each
vertex in the geometry of the cortical surface I want an additional
label that tells me which ROI this vertex belongs to. I extract all
geometrical information using:
in matlab.
This, however, doe