I see.
Thanks a lot, Donald
发件人:"MCLAREN, Donald"
发送时间:2015-10-07 11:01
主题:Re: [Freesurfer] Questions about the correction methods in Surfstat
收件人:"Freesurfer support list"
>The output figure is attached. In the colorbar of the figure, left represent
>The output figure is attached. In the colorbar of the figure, left
represents cluster corrected p value and right one represents the vertex
>corrected p value, right?
>So, the warm color region in the figure can be survived by the RFT vertex
correction, and the cool color region in the fig
Hi Feng,
This is not the surfstat list. You may want to check their webpage to
see how to get help and documentation.
On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 9:36 AM, chenhf_uestc wrote:
> Dear Surfstat Users,
> I have a question about the RFT correction method in the
> Surfstat(http://www.math.mcgill.
Dear Surfstat Users,
I have a question about the RFT correction method in the
In the online manual, the command to perform RFT correction is as follows:
[ pval, peak, clus ] =
SurfStatP( slm, mask );
pval.P contains P-values for peaks, and p