When you say that you changed the scale, what do you mean? Are you sure that
the PET voxel size is accurate? Something else you can try is to specify --dof
9 when you run mri_coreg -- this will fit the scale as well as the translation
and rotation.
On 10/7/2019 1:51 PM, Vicky Yang wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Doug,
I am sure that the anatomical and PET come from the same subject. And I am
using the same processing procedures as worked well on other 7 subjects. So
I don't think it is because of processing or mixing data.
According to the co-registered re
You can manually change the registration in tkregisterfv. But we rarely see
this happen and I'm wondering if it might be some other problem. Are you
totally sure that the anatomical and PET come from the same subject?
On 10/3/2019 12:59 PM, Vicky Yang wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your respond! I ran the the command with debug flag and figured
out the problem. It is because I use a space in the name of the PET data
directory. After removing the space character, tkregisterfv works great!
But one PET image did
Can you run
tkregisterfv --debug --mov pet.nii.gz --targ T1.nii --reg pet_T1.reg.lta
and send the terminal output?
On 10/2/2019 3:58 PM, Vicky Yang wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I used mri_coreg to register my pet data to T1 like below:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I used mri_coreg to register my pet data to T1 like below:
mri_coreg --mov pet.nii.gz --ref T1.nii --reg pet_T1.reg.lta
After coregistering, I checked the registration using tkregisterfv like