The argument to --sval-area is the surface that you want to get the area
from. If you want the area of the white surface, then just put "white"
there. Or you can use "--sval lh.area" instead of "--sval-area white".
On 6/6/12 9:28 AM, Jürgen Hänggi wrote:
> Dear FS expert
> I try to smooth
Dear FS expert
I try to smooth surface area files with the following command:
mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --s MOREA_KG002 --sval-area area --fwhm 15 --tval
lh.area.15.mgh --cortex
But there is an error:
srcsubject = MOREA_KG002
srcval = (null)
trgsubject = MOREA_KG002
trgval =