External Email - Use Caution
Thank you for your answer!
That is exactly what happens. The contrast makes that region lighter
because of the presence of an hemorragy but I don't what could I use to
obtain the parcels well defined in that area.
El mar., 12 mar. 2019 14:56, Bruce Fis
Hi Maria
can you send us an image to show us what you mean? Usually
contrast-enhancement lights up the dura and can cause bits of non-brain
tissue to be left around, which you might need to deal with.
On Tue, 12 Mar 2019, María Martínez Rodrigo wrote:
External Email
External Email - Use Caution
Good morning,
When I am using T1 with gadolinium, some errors appear in the later 3D
mapping obtained. In particular, the boundaries of some of the structures
which have gadolinium in the original image are not well defined in the
Do you kn