Hi Doug,
Yes I did and the registration looks good to me (no axial shift in the
images) - but I am little confused. In the command for check the
/tkregister2 --mov $SUBJECTS_DIR/568/mri/mni152.orig.mgz \
Did you verify that the result of mni152reg is accurate? It should have
printed out a command line to check it
On 9/9/16 5:58 AM, Matyáš Kuhn wrote:
> Hi FreeSurfer experts,
> We would like to use Destrieux atlas for masking DLPFC in subjects, who
> uderwent fMRI and we used SPM to process the
Hi FreeSurfer experts,
We would like to use Destrieux atlas for masking DLPFC in subjects, who
uderwent fMRI and we used SPM to process the data. We want to find peaks
in individuals according to some regions from the atlas (create
individual mask). The problem I am facing is to get